Tuesday 23 February 2010

Another quiet week with only four teams moving. Swollen Pork Balls have closed the gap on Bowden's Burps at the top of the table and Hamster Mistress are now only one point away from Asylum Inmates at the bottom of the table...
(Click on the table to see a larger image)

Wednesday 17 February 2010

Not much movement this week.

(Click on the table to see a larger image)

With the first round of the cup complete the bottom team of each group are knocked out.

(Click on the table to see a larger image)

The draw for the second round of the cup has been made.

(Click on the table to see a larger image)

Wednesday 10 February 2010

Swollen Pork Balls move up to 2nd place while Tigger's Charms are the biggest movers this week moving up four places to 11th.

(Click on the table to see a larger image)

The third week of the Cup and in Group 1 it's looking grim for Turpin Wanderers, in Group 2 things are not to good for the Legovers 30 points behind Marestail.

(Click on the table to see a larger image)

Tuesday 2 February 2010

Not much movement this week. Bowden's Burps hold the top spot for the fourth week in a row.
The transfer window is now open, I will be in contact in the next few days about it...

(Click on the table to see a larger image)

The second week of the Cup and the Dodgers still lead Group 1 and Turpin Wanderers stay at the foot of the group, while The Fantabalosa XI take over at the top of Group 2 with Legovers bringing up the rear...

(Click on the table to see a larger image)