Tuesday 28 December 2010

All change as Moistchester United take over at the top of the table. Legovers are still rooted to the foot.

(Click on the table to see a larger image)

Monday 20 December 2010

Another quiet week with only two movers, Prop Up the World moving up to 9th and Caprica City AFC dropping down to 10th.

(Click on the table to see a larger image)

Tuesday 14 December 2010

Moistchester United are closing the gap on Unseen Academicals at the top of the table, and Tigger Logic and Tallenbee United are close behind...

(Click on the table to see a larger image)

Thursday 9 December 2010

For the 2nd week there is no movement at the top...

(Click on the table to see a larger image)

Sunday 28 November 2010

No change at the top this week. Hampster Mistress move up 2 places to 8th.

(Click on the table to see a larger image)

Sunday 21 November 2010

Unseen Academicals are starting to pull away from the rest, Tallenbee United have dropped down to 4th allowing Moistchester United and Tigger Logic both move up.

(Click on the table to see a larger image)

Wednesday 17 November 2010

No movement at the top this week, but Legovers slip back into bottom place while La Luna-Pa Luna move up to 11th.

(Click on the table to see a larger image)

Wednesday 10 November 2010

Unseen Academicals are holding on to top spot while Tallenbee United have moved up to second.
Legovers are no longer propping up the rest that honor now falls to La Luna-Pa Luna.

(Click on the table to see a larger image)

Saturday 2 October 2010

Sorry it's been so long but my computer has been down.

Tigger Logic are still holding on to top spot but Unseen Academicals are close on their heals, while Legovers are rooted to the foot of the table.

(Click on the table to see a larger image)

Tuesday 17 August 2010

Welcome to the new season and good luck to you all.

The most popular player picks this season are :-

Goalkeeper - H. Gomes of Tottenham Hotspurs picked by 6 teams.
Defence - R. Johnson of Birmingham City and J. Craddock of Wolves picked by 6 teams.
Midfield - F. Lampard of Chelsea picked by 5 teams.
ikers - D. Drogba of Chelsea and W. Rooney of Man United picked by 6 teams.

The first league table of the new season and Tigger Logic have taken an early lead with 103 points, while the Legovers are bottom with 19.

(Click on the table to see a larger image)

Saturday 17 July 2010

It was a close thing with only four points in it. A big thanks to everyone who entered, be ready in four years for the next World Cup...

(Click on the table to see a larger image)

Friday 9 July 2010

With only the final to go it's tight at the top with Moist Island hanging on to top spot just, The Austrian Ramblers are close behind. Brizilliant Utd are well entrenched at the bottom...

(Click on the table to see a larger image)

Tuesday 22 June 2010

Welcome to the Fantasy World Cup 2010, Goog luck to you all...

(Click on the table to see a larger image)

Sunday 23 May 2010

The league and cup are now finnished for this season.

Congratulations to all the winners and a big thanks to everyone who entered, we hope to see you all next season and for the World Cup.

I will be in touch with the winners prizes.

The top scoring players;






P Cech




J Terry




F Lampard




W Rooney

Man Utd


(Click on the table to see a larger image)

(Click on the table to see a larger image)

Wednesday 12 May 2010

With only next weeks results to come it's getting tight at the top.

(Click on the table to see a larger image)

Congratulations to the two cup finalists.

(Click on the table to see a larger image)

Tuesday 4 May 2010

The two movers this week are Swollen Pork Balls overtaking Gizmo's FC to take over 2nd spot and Legovers move up one to 12th.

(Click on the table to see a larger image)

Not much movement this week.

(Click on the table to see a larger image)

Monday 19 April 2010

Not much movement this week Bowden's Burps continue their run at the top of the table.

(Click on the table to see a larger image)

Congratulations to the four teams that have made it through to the semi-Final of the cup.

(Click on the table to see a larger image)

Saturday 17 April 2010

Sorry it's late this is last weeks Table and Cup.

(Click on the table to see a larger image)

(Click on the table to see a larger image)

Thursday 8 April 2010

Bowden's Burps continue to extend their lead at the top of the table while Swollen Pork Balls drop down to third, Gizmo's FC take over second.

(Click on the table to see a larger image)

Tuesday 30 March 2010

Bowden's Burps have moved back to the top of the table.
It's time for the last Transfer window of the season, I will be in touch with you all in the next few days.

(Click on the table to see a larger image)
The 2nd Round of the cup and the 3rd round draw have taken place (see below)

(Click on the table to see a larger image)

3rd Round Draw

Saturday 27 March 2010

There's no change with the top three. this weeks biggest climber is Friggin Farkle moving up two places.

(Click on the table to see a larger image)

Wednesday 17 March 2010

Nuts and Bolts are this weeks biggest movers, rising two places and Bowden's Burps are on level points with Swollen Pork Balls at the top of the table.

(Click on the table to see a larger image)

Tuesday 9 March 2010

Not much change this week with Swollen Pork Balls holding on to top spot...

(Click on the table to see a larger image)

Wednesday 3 March 2010

It's all change at the top with Swollen Pork Balls taking over the number one spot by one point.

(Click on the table to see a larger image)

Tuesday 23 February 2010

Another quiet week with only four teams moving. Swollen Pork Balls have closed the gap on Bowden's Burps at the top of the table and Hamster Mistress are now only one point away from Asylum Inmates at the bottom of the table...
(Click on the table to see a larger image)

Wednesday 17 February 2010

Not much movement this week.

(Click on the table to see a larger image)

With the first round of the cup complete the bottom team of each group are knocked out.

(Click on the table to see a larger image)

The draw for the second round of the cup has been made.

(Click on the table to see a larger image)

Wednesday 10 February 2010

Swollen Pork Balls move up to 2nd place while Tigger's Charms are the biggest movers this week moving up four places to 11th.

(Click on the table to see a larger image)

The third week of the Cup and in Group 1 it's looking grim for Turpin Wanderers, in Group 2 things are not to good for the Legovers 30 points behind Marestail.

(Click on the table to see a larger image)

Tuesday 2 February 2010

Not much movement this week. Bowden's Burps hold the top spot for the fourth week in a row.
The transfer window is now open, I will be in contact in the next few days about it...

(Click on the table to see a larger image)

The second week of the Cup and the Dodgers still lead Group 1 and Turpin Wanderers stay at the foot of the group, while The Fantabalosa XI take over at the top of Group 2 with Legovers bringing up the rear...

(Click on the table to see a larger image)

Friday 29 January 2010

Lots of movement this week with Gizmo's slipping to fourth.

(Click on the table to see a larger image)

The first week of the Cup The Dodgers head Group 1 and Swolen Pork Balls lead Group 2. The first round of the Cup will run for four weeks.

(Click on the table to see a larger image)

Thursday 21 January 2010

No change at the top again except Swollen Pork Ball move into third place.

(Click on the table to see a larger image)

Tuesday 12 January 2010

For the third week in a row Bowden's Burps hold the top spot. Gizmo's FC climb two places up to second.

(Click on the table to see a larger image)

Tuesday 5 January 2010

Happy New Year

Bowden's Burps continue at the top while Hamster Mistress drop to the foot of the table.

(Click on the table to see a larger image)