Sunday 15 November 2009

Last weeks table toppers The Dodgers have slipped to third and Gizmo's FC have moved to the top for the first time this season, there is no change at the bottom...

(Click on the table to see a larger image)

Friday 13 November 2009

Sorry it's late.
Week 10 and The Dodgers are hanging on to top spot with Friggin Farklein second by one point. The Asylum Inmates still rooted to the foot of the table.

(Click on the table to see a larger image)

Tuesday 3 November 2009

And now for week 9.

Now the transfers have been completed and your duff players are gone (well most of them) The Dodgers have stormed to the top taking over from The Fantabalosa XI's long run.

(Click on the table to see a larger image)

Sorry it's a bit late but here is week 8.

The Fantabalosa XI continue their run at the top of the table while Marestail move off the bottom to be replaced by Asylum Inmates.

(Click on the table to see a larger image)